Who We Are

The Franziskustreff  - a meeting point for daily breakfast for poor and homeless people in the Capuchin monastery Liebfrauen in Frankfurt/M.

The Franziskustreff provides full breakfast for homeless and poor fellows in downtown Frankfurt/ M. Our small guest room has only 32 seats. Every day up to 160 guests enjoy the meal, in wintertime they find a warm place to stay and throughout the year they enjoy the warmth of Franciscan hospitality.

Our guiding principles

Every working day and on religious holidays, we serve the poor and homeless people a rich breakfast at the table.

Our work

Breakfast includes coffee or tea, and a plate with sausage and/or cheese; on sideboards at the tables are bread, butter, Nutella and jam. We often get donations of fresh pastries or cakes and other sweets for our guests.

We are open every working day and we relieve on holidays other facilities for homeless people by opening our doors also on Christmas, New Year, Easter or Pentecost, giving all the needy a breakfast with us in a special atmosphere. Our guests pay €0,50 for the breakfast and on holidays it is for free.

Regina Merckle is serving coffee to one of our guests.